2023 A-μ-Sing Competition Winners

The Sung Heroes (Song & Music Video Submissions)

Grand PrizeSongCynthia Rudin (Duke University)My k Nearest Neighbors
The Night's Overfitting Game
The Song of the Multi-Armed Bandit
Second PlaceSongJamie Tan Xin Yee, Joelyn Chong, Deston Tang, Christine Sia, Nellie Lee, Josiah Tan, and Lee Yi Yuan * (Singapore Management University)STATS
Second PlaceSongGreg Crowther (Everett Community College) and Leila Zelnick (University of Washington)What's the Method You Want?
Second PlaceSongLarry Lesser (University of Texas at El Paso)50 Ways to Leave Your Lover
Honorable MentionSongLarry Lesser (University of Texas at El Paso)The Weighting

*Student team entry

The Unsung Heroes (Art, Cartoon, Joke, & Poem Submissions)

First PlaceCartoonKylie Lynch* (University of Virginia)Statistics Teacher's Back-to-School Shopping
Honorable MentionPoemLarry Lesser (University of Texas at El Paso) Type Two

*Student entry