USCOTS 2009 - About

Goals of USCOTS

  • Hold a national conference that focuses on undergraduate level statistics education (including AP Statistics), targeting statistics teachers.
  • Share ideas, methods, and research results regarding what teachers want to know about teaching statistics: What should I teach? How do I teach it? Where do I get good resources? And, what research can I rely on to assess whether what I'm doing is effective and appropriate?
  • Facilitate teachers incorporating new ideas, methods, and resources into their existing courses and programs.
  • Promote connections between all teachers of undergraduate level statistics throughout the country.

Special Features of USCOTS

  • Plenary sessions by national and international leaders in Undergraduate Statistics Education on current and emerging trends in research, curriculum, pedagogy, and resources.
  • Posters and Beyond sessions exchanging your ideas on teaching and learning statistics
  • Hands-on breakout sessions to incorporate new ideas into your courses
  • Opportunities to meet other statistics teachers from a wide range of institutions and disciplines
  • Plenty of materials, ideas, and motivation to take home with you
  • A fun, active atmosphere where everyone can be involved!

USCOTS Program Committee

Deb Rumsey (chair), Dennis Pearl, Joan Garfield, and Jackie Miller

For Other Information:

Contact Deb Rumsey, USCOTS Program Chair:

Hosted by:

The Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education (CAUSE)