BOF-Th01: An ABACUS Demonstration: Apps Based Activities for Communicating and Understanding Statistics

Nath, Mintu


Overview: ABACUS (Apps Based Activities for Communicating and Understanding Statistics) aims to communicate basic statistical theories in a user-friendly and interactive way. ABACUS implements multiple options to convey the concepts: it takes advantage of statistical simulation to simulate varying datasets, creates graphical interfaces to visualise the statistical concepts, and integrates the interactive features on a browser environment. ABACUS provides a framework for essential statistical tools that teachers can employ and integrate in a teaching environment with learner-driven activities. The flexibility of input values allows teachers to incorporate examples from broader subject areas. Combining simulation scenarios and graphical interfaces, it provides a platform for the learner to understand the basic principles of statistical methodologies and identify best practices for the presentation of results often inconspicuous in standard statistical software outputs. The session will demonstrate and discuss how ABACUS can be seamlessly integrated into the existing teaching environment to provide a strong foundation for learners. Session Goals: • Develop an interdisciplinary approach to communicating basic statistical theories and concepts, which is inclusive, user-friendly and interactive. • Integrate the frequentist view of statistics in the course content with multiple instances and simulation of problem scenarios. • Represent statistical concepts visually intertwined with the problem scenarios. • Use the interface to acknowledge the correct interpretation of results. • Explore options to integrate the applications into existing teaching content. Web link: