BOF-Th04: Connecting industry statisticians and educators needing field-specific teaching examples

Cristina M. Wood and Shonda Kuiper


"Students taking statistics classes, but not aiming for a math or statistics profession, are more interested in learning about statistics when the examples feel relevant to their future field. While many statistics textbooks include examples from multiple fields, they can often fall short in preparing students to make critical decisions with data in their future careers. Incorporating real-world discipline-specific experiences into a classroom are more challenging when a wide variety of student majors take the same introductory statistics course. 

Statistical educators with a background in industry have field-specific experiences to draw from, while statistical educators without that background can struggle to come up with meaningful field-specific examples. This round-table will connect these two groups, to improve the use of future-field-specific examples in the classroom. The facilitators' experience in the field of biostatistics for medical data, engineering, and consulting will help to curate datasets and questions that emphasize communicating a sense of realism for students in multiple disciplines. We plan to use the eCOTS Slack channels to provide opportunities for post-BoF follow-up and then create a database of examples that educators can select from. Statisticians/data scientists from a wide variety of application areas, and new educators, are particularly encouraged to attend."