BOF-T08: Teaching Bayesian Statistics to Undergraduate Students

Becky Tang


Bayesian statistics is a course that is typically offered at the graduate level. While undergraduate Bayesian statistics offerings are becoming increasingly more common, they seem to be the exception rather than the rule. This Birds of a Feather is for anyone teaching or interested in teaching a Bayesian Statistics course for undergraduate students, with the goal of bringing undergraduate Bayesian educator together in community. We will consider the differences between graduate and undergraduate students in their abilities or preparedness for learning Bayesian statistics, and brainstorm ways to accommodate these differences to create a successful undergraduate course. We will also discuss at what levels an undergraduate Bayesian course can or should be offered, what the pre-requisites might be, and how to create a story arc for the semester. Participants will learn about tools and resources that may be helpful for their current or future courses. Attendees may even fly away with ideas of possible learning goals for their own course.
