
  • A statistics realted lightbulb joke connected to a key percentile of the normal curve.

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  • A quick pun about modeling and examining lack of fit by Bruce White
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  • A quick pun about the "log scale" by Bruce White
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  • A quick pun about "autocorrelation" by Bruce White.
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  • That's not an experiment you have there, that's an experience. Ronald A. Fisher (1890-1962.) Quoted in "Statistics", third edition, by David Freedman, Robert Pisani, and Roger Purves (Norton, 1998)
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  • I am not accustomed to saying anything with certainty after only one or two observations. is a quote by Flemish anatomist Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564). The quote is found in "Epistola rationem modumque propinandi radicis Chynae decocti".
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  • This video is a humorous refresher of statistics methodology. This rap video presents a parody with statistical references. It is quite entertaining.
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  • This article presents a dataset based on an industrial case study using design of experiments. It can be used to discuss sample size, power, statistical significance, interaction terms, Type I and Type II errors, the role and importance of the error term, design of experiments, and analysis of variance.
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  • This is a collection of activities as Java applets that can be used to explore probability and statistics. Each activity is supplemented with background information, activity instructions, and a curriculum for the activity.
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  • Song addresses the value of a scientific poll. May be sung to the tune of the Rolling Stones' hit "It's Only Rock 'N Roll (But I Like It)" by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. Musical accompaniment realizationare by Joshua Lintz and vocals are by Mariana Sandoval from University of Texas at El Paso.

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