BOF-T09: The implications of AI in the statistical content of our courses

Anna Bargagliotti and Donna LaLonda


With the prominence of AI in all facets of our lives, discussions have begun in education related to how to utilize AI within classrooms settings. Today there are models for the use of generative AI in assessment and assignments, for individualized learning, and other classroom and education related topics. At the most basic level, most of us are aware that AI algorithms are trained using large data sets and use predictive models. However, we are not yet talking about whether the explosion of AI has consequences on the content we teach in our statistics classes. Are there certain topics that now need to be emphasized more in all level statistics courses? Are there topics that need to be added? Taken away? Are our content needs changing in any way in light of AI and its impact on the nature of work? This Bird of Feather group will bring to light issues that participants see fit related to the topic of AI and statistical content needs.
