BOF-T01: Building Classroom Resources through Building Community

Melissa Crow, Marian Frazier, and Jonathan Wells


Well-designed activities and classroom resources play a critical role in student learning, but they can also be incredibly time consuming to create or update in response to new data, changing pedagogical methods, or technological innovations. By collaborating with others, we can reduce the workload and stress involved in finding and developing high-quality classroom resources. In the Stat Ed Faculty Learning Community in Spring 2024, participants explored the development of classroom resources, how to disseminate these, and made new connections with other educators. In this discussion, we will spotlight the workflow from this recent faculty learning community to (1) identify wishlists of resources for our classes, (2) network to see what resources are already available and (3) build collaborations to sustainably develop new resources. We hope to invite BoF participants to discuss their own statistics classroom wish lists, learn about less-publicized resources for statistics classes, and inspire potential collaborations following eCOTS.
